FORD 9204 Estrellita Knaggs, Patron Saint of the Barkery

Ford and Isabella FORD and lisa found each other on the streets of South Central Los Angeles in 1992 while lisa was working on a commercial for a particular automotive company. After 15+ years of escorting and exploring life together, FORD is now a 16 yr. old certified miracle, living with the results of the occupational hazards of being a Blue Heeler. Still, FORD and lisa continue to love, teach, serve, & inspire each other.

for more on sweet FORD, click here

Clementine Cleopatra Love Knaggs, Mistress of All Things Frivolous

Clementine with Frisbee Clementine the Calico Clown Dog went from roaming the streets, to the pound, to her forever home all in the month of May 2005 – artfully dodging euthanasia by about a week. A long, spotty, slinky drama-queen with mambo ears & more than enough love to go around, Clementine’s hunting prowess is prized most when she’s “roaching.” Each morning our darlin’ Clementine wakes us with a hearty pounce & wide-eyed, nose to nose stare down.

for more on Clementine, including her song, click here

Miss Maya con Dios de Knaggs, the Floppa-Floppa Girl

Maya and Flour Maya was a 14-year old Blue Heeler released to the local shelter with her pups in the fall of 2000. Her “short-term foster” status soon became a joke as this big ol’ lovably floppy dog stole our hearts. She gave life everything she had – practicing trust and learning every day until she was almost 18 years old. We share these veggie jerky pies with our dogs while hiking & remember Miss Maya’s floppy love & piggy grunts with every step.

for more on Miss Maya, click here

Bounce: He's Just a Little Boy

Bounce and Isabella

for more on Bounce, click here